How Starting a Virtual Assistant Business Can Help You Achieve Your Ultimate Dreams

Can I tell you my ultimate dream? My ultimate dream is to build an off-grid luxury spa resort in northern Ontario, Canada. This has been on my work-towards list for over 15 years. 

For a long time, I couldn’t understand how I would make this dream come true. The cost, the property, and all the logistics seemed overwhelming. But it has always been something I’ve been subconsciously working towards.

You might be wondering, "Rebecca, how is anything you’re doing right now connected to that dream?" Well, that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about today.

The Power of Big Dreams

I’ve always been known as a dreamer. Growing up, I had big dreams and big goals, and I’ve always felt that if I work hard enough, I can achieve anything. But as we grow up, reality often smacks us in the face. 

We get stuck in jobs we hate, burdened by bills and social expectations. We’re told to be realistic and conform to traditional career paths, which can crush our dreams.

I want you to think about the dreams you had when you were younger. What did you want to be or achieve? Now, reconnect with those dreams and understand that every single thing you want in your life is possible. You just need to get resourceful about it.

Why We Need Big Dreams

Big dreams are essential, especially if you’re considering starting a Virtual Assistant business. 

If you’re here, I know you have that entrepreneurial spirit. You’re different. You want to run your business and provide amazing service. That desire will take you far, and as you start achieving your goals, you’ll see further and dream bigger.

Sarah’s Journey: From Stay-at-Home Mom to Entrepreneur

Let’s talk about Sarah. She was one of the first people I mentored. Sarah went from being a stay-at-home mom to a single mom, working part-time jobs to make ends meet. She had dreams but no idea how to achieve them. Then she started her VA business.

With my help, Sarah learned the foundations of building a Virtual Assistant business, how to price herself, what clients want, and value-based pricing. In record time, she landed 4 clients and hit her income goal within 6 months. Her client roster was full, but she had that entrepreneurial spark.

Then, one day, Sarah messaged me with an idea she was really excited about. She saw a space for rent in her town and wanted to start a photo studio/co-working space, and membership community. Despite her nerves and financial concerns, she took the leap.

Today, Sarah owns a photo studio and co-working space, and she still has VA clients. Her journey from a Virtual Assistant to a business owner in the wedding industry is a testament to the power of big dreams and taking the first step.

The Transformation of Perspective

When you start your own business, you begin to see the world differently. You realize you can create your own income, and you feel empowered. It’s like living in a parallel universe where you make your own rules. Once you become an entrepreneur, you see opportunities everywhere, and you start dreaming bigger.

You might not see how your immediate next step connects to your ultimate dream, but trust that it does. Becoming a Virtual Assistant is often a stepping stone to something else. A VA business provides on-the-job training for whatever you want to do in your life.

Take Sarah: Sarah’s story didn’t end with her Virtual Assistant business. She began exploring other opportunities in the online service space, working on amazing projects and creating webinars to teach email marketing. This transformation happened in less than 2 years.

I am incredibly proud of Sarah for committing to her Virtual Assistant business, moving through challenges, and putting herself out there. Her success is a result of taking a chance on herself and stepping outside her comfort zone.

Your Turn: Dream Big

Today, I want you to dream big. If there were no rules, if you had all the money in the world, what would your dream business be? Think about that, and then consider the first step to get you there. For many, that first step is becoming a Virtual Assistant.

Starting as a Virtual Assistant can lead to unimaginable opportunities and help you achieve your ultimate dreams. It’s not just about the immediate work you do but about opening doors to new possibilities and creating a life of your own design. Let’s dream big and take that first step together.

Sign up for the VA Vortex to get real talk, encouragement, and free weekly trainings to help you start your Virtual Assistant business. Your dreams are within reach, and I’m here to help you achieve them.


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